You don't have to be a celebrity to get a lot out of twitter. Many businesses and individuals get a great deal of success from using twitter to promote themselves.
The usual response I get from people who don't use twitter is
"I've got nothing to say" or "nobody wants to know what I'm doing".
I have met many people through my training sessions who have said this and followed
up with comments like I only want to know about Linkedin as that is more professional.
Most of these people have ended up being prolific tweeters who I now follow with
interest on Twitter as they go about their daily work. When you analyse your life,
be it work or play there is often many things you do or see that would be of interest
to potential followers. I really don't want to know about you having a cup of tea
unless you are maybe enjoying the view of the black mountains from your customer's
roof while enjoying it, having just re pointed the chimney. Perhaps you have just
left a customer's office having just helped them improve the way they do business
or just unblocked a drain whilst eating your sandwiches. Your work may well be uninteresting
to you as you do it every day but people are interested in what you have to say
when you make it interesting. Our training sessions can help you gain an audience show you all the basics.
Everyone has a tale to tell in 140 characters and that includes
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